Friday, November 25, 2011


what do most bloggers write on their first entry? no, that's not a rhetorical question. i really don't know, that's why i'm asking. i guess i should greet you first. uhm...hi?

 now that's done, i should go on to the point of this entry huh? i actually don't know what that is yet. let me think first.




how bout i start with why i started this blog when blog's not that popular anymore (or is that just me being ignorant?) you know, i have alot of reasons why i wanted to start a blog. aaaaand that's my way of saying that i don't have any. i was just walking back from UP to our unit and as usual, i've been talking to myself in my head. i suddenly thought it'd be nice to record all my thoughts, that's when the idea of making a blog came up. i mean, a blog's pretty convenient, i can't believe i only thought of it just now. :))

 maybe it's also partly because i want to feed one of most human's needs : attention. most people won't admit it, though. i'm not desperate for it, just so it's clear. but you gotta admit, it's kinda fun to think that someone out there's appreciating your entry/piece/work or whatever you do. i consider this opportunity one of the greatest things the internet has given us. even if almost no one reads my posts, it still gives me the sense that someone does. i at least feel there's a virtual listener that lends his ear to what i have to say. #foreveralone. hahaha!

 yeah, sometimes i feel that way. i feel like there's no one that would want to hear what i'd want to say. especially in my current environment, the people around me just isn't the type to listen to my kind of thoughts. then again, the internet has given us a great gift for this. the gift of anonymity. in the cyberspace, we all take different personas. personas that we ourselves choose and shape. it gives us the courage to be what we can't be, say what we can't say and do what we can't do in the real world. in here, chains crumble and limits vanish. (random fact : it took me more than 10 minutes to think of what to write next XD) i guess i'm somehow regretting that i'm only utilizing this freedom now when i've been on the net for around 10 years.

 i know i have things to say. meaningful things. at the very least, not some worthless junk in word-form. i just can't say it properly right there and then most of the time. the urgency of the moment robs me of the time to think of better words to say my thoughts with. when i want to say something of more worth, i often feel frustrated not being able to deliver it better when i know i could have. that's why being random is one of my weaker suits. oh, since i'm already talking about it, i'll say this now : just in case, i'm sorry if i seem snob when you speak to me in person. i'd love to chat, really. i just run out of ideas really fast. it'd be awesome if you open up a new topic if you sense that i'm drawing to a blank. it's not that hard to spot. it's i go quiet and awkwardly look away (i'm actually looking and thinking of things to talk about when i do that). oh, and i don't see my blog having any theme like those travel blogs, or whatever kinds of blog there is. the blog's named "Scatterbrain". of course, you'd expect things to be...well, scattered. (just like this entry XD) i also won't have any schedule to follow with my entries. i'd probably get tired of this in a few days or weeks anyway. if i don't, then yehey!

hmmm, now how should i end this entry? i started by greeting. that was easy to think of. now how to end? hmmm.....ah fck. whatever. :)) just hope you swing by once in a while and check out the new stuff here in Scatterbrain...if there's any. :D

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