Wednesday, March 20, 2013


There are a bunch of times that I feel compelled to write something in this blog without any prior plans of doing so nor any prior inspiration to do so. This is one of those times.


Oh I know what to write about.

Things have been relatively peaceful around me for quite some time now. Hmm, actually, let's call it "more quiet". Probably, this can be attributed to the fact that the semester's ending and everyone's focusing on their academics. Or maybe, the fire fueling many of us have already been watered down by a freezing cold dose of "reality." That, or everyone just collectively stopped giving a fck. Whichever may be the case, the silence is refreshing.

Then again, silence is not an indication that the gears have stopped moving.

Everything seems to be happening in the background now. Just in the back of their minds, the depths of their hearts. Sometimes they'll let out a little scream out, but otherwise, they look happy, or at least, stable. I'd like to think that they are finally stable, or getting there. Except, I can't.

There's so much complex emotions and ideals tangled together that an abrupt stop just doesn't justify it. This complexity that they've been putting up with is what bothers me. Then again, what is a human being without some degree of complexity. We'll be too boring that the gods might just smite us as a race if we don't have that inherent complexity.

Ok, let me back up a bit and revise what I've said. It's probably not the complexity that bothers me, but it's repetitiveness. Yeah, that feels better. The complexity of it all has trapped many in a recurring and exhausting cycle. It's fine dealing with complex emotions and ideals, so long as progress is made. It's exasperating to not see things changing.

Then again, I acknowledge the fact that complex things need time. I just can't take that some things have become cyclical, others too deep.

Looking at it in a different perspective, perhaps the reason I'm turned off by all of this is simply because I can't relate to it as of the moment. In a way, I should consider myself lucky for being spared of the burden of worrying about such complex (inner) problems as I'm writing this entry. Then again, if I ever do encounter such complications, I'll make sure I can trust myself no matter what. In the end, the greatest pull will always come from within oneself.

Encountering a complication is inevitable, but getting stuck in one is a choice.

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