Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I Simply Love My Friends!

I just can't contain it right now. I have this group of friends called Julie and Company. We all met during the final formal dinner of our dormitory during our freshmen year. It was PURE COINCIDENCE that our little group met. I didn't even want to go to that formal dinner. I was forced by a certain urge called hunger. (It was free, anyway!) Frankly, I wasn't close with my dormmates. I never made close friends during my 1 year stay in the dormitory. That made a dilemma for me during the formal dinner. I was late and since I wasn't part of any group or such, finding a table where I'd spend the night proved to be difficult. Thank goodness one of my acquaintances found me before I came in and asked if I had a table. I immediately said I didn't. Being the good guy that he is, he invited me to their table.

There was a beautiful girl in sitting on that table. She immediately captured my attention from the moment I saw her as I walked towards the table. I really wanted to be close to that girl so I shook off all my nervousness and sheer awkwardness and tried blending in to the group. I didn't have anything to lose. We were all leaving the dormitory in less than a month anyway. After a whole night of eating, talking, acting silly and partying, we all became friends. We walked away from the party hall together, sat down on the floor and chatted until the guard broke us up. We promised ourselves we won't forget each other the next day. We frantically repeated each other's names just so we would remember (I was particularly worried about the "remembering" part. I've never been good with names.)

Days later, I would discover that most people in that table were never close friends to begin with. Some were already friends, but most of them were simply acquaintances. We were all simply trying to fit in to a group that was practically made up of strangers.

We hung out everyday during the final days of our stay in the dormitory. We would eat together during lunch and dinner, get together during free breaks and talk the night away until we hear the curfew bell. We all felt that we met each other too late. Making up for a whole year of not knowing each other in just barely a month proved to be tough, but ever since that party, each day in the dormitory became something I looked forward to.

It's been around 2 years since we all met. We rarely see each other now. Only when it's someone's birthday or it's the end of the semester. The Facebook group's the only thing keeping us connected for the most part. But until now, I can still feel the warmth we had on our first night. It's such an amazing feat for such a rag-tag group like us in my opinion.

It was my birthday early this week so it was our cue to once again unite. Two of them (the previously mentioned "beautiful girl" and her very close friend) organized a gift to give me. It's a box packed with 365 messages from them, one for each day. It was actually a gift idea I wanted to give a certain somebody for her birthday but never got to do it. They said since I wasn't able to do it for her, they did it for me instead. Such awesome people!

I feel like I haven't thanked them enough yet (even though I've said it like a thousand times already). I really wish we'd continue growing as a group despite such a whacked up set up. I really love these people. <3

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