Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Just Stop

Stop. I can't tolerate you smoldering us with your self-pity anymore. I know being alienated from a topic can be pretty sad, but you don't have to slap that fact on our faces. Just don't react. It's as if you're screaming "Hey hey hey hey! I don't get what you're talking about so let's change the topic to my needs!". Asshole. Do you want us to comfort you? Or do you want us to affirm your faults and shortcomings? Those miserable nudges have become increasingly annoying each passing day. Then when you see even a little hole you can use to topple another person, you attack him as if you're the most knowledgeable person alive. I can always imagine you being a character that's always been put down and because of this, you bottled up feelings of revenge that you dish out to other people you think are below you.

I can't believe I can actually dislike someone this much. I feel bad about it, but whatever. I'd rather be this way than bottle it up and suddenly explode without due warning.

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