Wednesday, August 8, 2012


It's a bit weird not to write anything here despite the consecutive days that school has been suspended. I feel like I have to write something, anything. Mainly because I said I won't leave this blog vacant as much as possible. But who am I kidding? For the most part, this blog is purely just for my self-gratification. A place where I can dump my thoughts, if I have any. Invisible readers that I'm not sure exist are the most suitable audience in this situation. I get to pretend someone's reading this. By doing so, I get to filter out my thoughts. I even try my best to make this as coherent as possible. I try avoiding spelling mistakes. I try to organize my words as much as possible. But in the end, it's just me talking to myself.

It's not as sad as it sounds. I actually like talking to myself. Some say it actually helps one think better. Even in coding, they encourage coders to have a "rubber ducky" to talk to when we're working. It helps you notice your mistakes and correct them on the spot. New ideas spring out from discussing with oneself. Though, isn't that in itself an odd concept. You have no exterior input. All you have is your own brain and your own thoughts, but still something, an idea, is born without you even noticing. It's odd, but very fascinating.

I'm pretty proud of myself at this point, to be able to get through 2 paragraphs without any plan from the beginning. I started writing this post without a single idea in mind. No, really. Like I said, I felt like I needed to write something here so I clicked and typed away. It turned out pretty random and without much of a point in it all, but at least, it's something. And something is what I wanted to write.

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