Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Chronicles of a Walking Man 4

   Anyone can see clearly the interior of McDonalds. I'm pretty sure that's just how they want it. I read somewhere before that food establishments actually invite people to simply "hangout" at their place to make it seem like there's a lot of people inside and some passing customer will be pulled in by the bandwagon. Pretty clever.

   I immediately notice a couple talking intimately on the tables outside. They were the only ones there, as if they owned the place. I saw a door on the side but I chose not to go through it. I want to go inside from the front door. It felt like the right thing to do since it's my first time visiting the store. As I go around to the front, something big catches my attention. I back up a bit to see the big sign at the top of the post.

"Southwoods Center"


   For some reason, the signage itself was oozing of badassery. I imagine a few years from now, it'd be welcoming everyone that wants to go to the "Southwoods Center"! And right below it? A bright and bubbly McDonalds that seems to extend its arms to a hug. Perfect!

   They also started putting up barriers and islands on the wide intersection. It used to be a huge intersection of death where one can feel the thrill of running from one safe side to the other. I bet they're preparing for the increase of vehicles that will through this intersection in the near future. It'll surely paint a bad image if people keep dying in there.

   Anyway, I was done looking around so I head straight for the front door.

"Wooooooooow." I thought to myself.

   I'm used to going to McDonalds, even late at night with very few customers like this one, but I can't help being mesmerized by this one. It looks so wide and clean and organized. A top level branch. They have a separate bar for the McCafe which I find pretty classy. I remembered the conversation I had on the phone with my friend. She mentioned how she loved McDonald's Coffee Float and how she made her mom have some and how she liked it even though she rarely drinks floats.

"How about I get myself one of those. It's not like I came here specifically for that. Yeah. It's just that there's a McDonalds here. And coffee float. Right, right."

   I scanned through the menu flashed, looking for the coffee float. Coffee float...coffee float. There! Apparently, you can buy it as a separate drink or as an upgrade to a meal. It says,

"Upgrade from a meal".

   I'm not quite sure how that "upgrade" works since I rarely say yes when the cashier asks, "With fries? Upsize the coke? Any additional order, sir?" Like I've always done when I'm about to do something for the first time, I practiced how to order on my head. Word per word. Then a cashier calls my attention.

"This counter, sir." Signalling at me with a smile on her face.

"Yeah. Uhm, for the coffee float, does the 'upgrade from a meal', uhm...a(ctivate), no ugh, hmm...."

   I can't remember what I rehearsed! The cashier looks at me, baffled as I fumble for the right word.

"Does it, uhh...take effect, with the McSaver Meals?"

   Really? Take. Effect?

"Uhm, what is that again, sir?"

   Now she's making me repeat it!

"I mean, I can, like upgrade to a coffee float from the McSaver Meals, right?"

   Somehow, I got the message across.

"Ah, yes sir."

"Ok, I'll be having a...ahm, let's see...Crispy Chicken Fillet with rice. Then upgrade the drink to a coffee float."

   She confirmed my order, I pay the bill and she prepares my meal.

"Apply! Dammit! That was the word I was looking for!" I snap as the realization came to me.

"Order's complete. Enjoy your meal." She pushes the tray towards me. I smile in response.

   I didn't know where to sit, inside the store or outside. I wanted to eat outside and stare the night sky some more while eating, then I remembered the couple that's being lovey dovey outside. No way I'm eating there. So I pull a nearby chair and ate there. Their chicken was bigger than what I usually eat. Hallelujah! But it wasn't the center of my attention. It was the coffee float, of course.

"Hmmm..." I stirred the ice cream a bit, pulled out the straw and licked the ones that stuck. "Mmmm." Stir, stir stir. I took a sip. "Hmmmm...." I was getting something, but I knew I haven't reached the peak of its taste. Stir, stir, stir. Sip. "Not yet." I pull out the straw once more and licked the ice that didn't come off. "Mmmm." Stir, stir, stir. When the ice cream was completely dissolved in the coffee, that's when I took a sip.


"Damn, that's good." I immediately texted my friend. "You were right, the coffee float is really good! (translated from the original text)".

   Stir, stir, stir. Sip, sip, sip.

   After finishing my meal, I pulled my leg up and curled to a ball in the comfy chair. It seemed like I was feeling really at home, but whatever. The girl from the table across is doing it, so I'm just going with the flow. She looked kind of familiar. I took glances of her. Not the ohh-she-looks-hot kind of glance. I wanted to see if I know her from somewhere without anyone noticing.

   Stir, stir, stir. Sip, sip, sip.

   Yeah, I don't know her. Meh. I looked outside to check if the couple was still there. They were. Tsk. I really wanted to try sitting outside but the...you know what, I don't care. I went out and sat as far away as possible. I look up.

   Stir, stir, stir. Sip, sip, sip.

   I wasn't wrong. The night sky enveloped me li--ok seriously, the thought of having a couple fawning at each other just 3 tables away just ruins the moment. I head out of the store. Just across the road from McDonalds was my high school. To be precise, it's the church, then behind it is my high school.


"Just for a few minutes", I thought to myself while sipping some more coffee float. The chocolate syrup's still pretty overpowering, but just a few more stirs.

   Stir, stir, stir. Sip, sip, sip.

"Ahhhh....yeah, that hits the spot."

   Sip, sip, sip. Sip, sip, sip.

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