Thursday, October 25, 2012


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I made such a discovery today (just a few minutes back, really) and now I can't contain myself! I knew it! I knew it!!!

I had my doubts.


But this....THIS...THIS THING, it eradicates all of those! This trumps it all! Finally, some evidence!

I can't believe how perfect it all fits. Just a few clicks, searches, and backreading was all it took. It was so simple! I should've done this long long long long long long long ago!!!

You should let him know, seriously!

My cheeks hurt so much right now. FROM ALL THE SMILING AND LAUGHING OF COURSE!

You should have seen my face when I found out. I had to grip my face so hard to prevent it from ripping because I was laughing so much.

It feels so good! To be free from assumptions and from doubts! From the uneasiness of maybe's and what if's.

This discovery is amazing! It's like a drug that forces your face muscles to smile and your diaphragm to laugh. The kind of drug that you take when you're irreparably broken. The kind that numbs you with laughter while it eats you up swiftly, silently.

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