Sunday, October 28, 2012

Scatterbrain 1

There's a bunch of things (or I'd like to think so) on my mind and spamming them on Twitter would be very rude of me. So TA-DA! I'll spam them here on mah blog! Yehey! Let's make things a bit informal on this one (as if my other posts were that formal). And I just realized that this entry would be the very first post that adheres to this blog's title "Scatterbrain". Oooh, I better entitle it with something more appropriate. *changes title* There. "Scatterbrain 1". Added "1" to it to remind me that this is just the first one and I should make more of these semi-stream of consciousness type of posts. Ok, you ready? Go!

1. I just enrolled in a theater class that will run every Saturday (and sometimes Sunday) of every week till December 2. We're just two days in. One day if you'll only count today as the start of us doing something theater-y. Yesterday was just us introducing ourselves and going to a known university to watch their local theater organization's show. Cool cool show.

2. I had this urge to write something about the classes since it's something I don't normally do. But on my way home, I can't think of a general topic or theme to my would-be entry. I know I learned a lot of things today but I can't seem to roll them into one, bloggable topic. (Yes, bloggable is a thing.) That's when I realized what I needed to do. I have to step back and really immerse myself in the experience first. Let the workshop finish before I start spouting words about it. What I need is time to digest all of that. That way it'd be more meaningful and insightful. Burst blogging about it every time will just yield under-cooked pastry. I'll let it bake for a while in my head (and soul, awwyeah!) until it's golden brown and clean to poke.


4. Super duper looking forward to tomorrow (or later, whatever). Gonna meet up with some friends and hang with them for a while. I'll be giving the "Voca-bank", as I've named it, that I downloaded for a whole semester to my friend. It's really ironic.

5. There are some pretty ladies on my theater class. I'm a happy boy.

6. For those of you have kept track (or even heard) of the International Saimoe League, they're currently holding the Finals match. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, vote for Eucliwood Hellscythe!!! Kanade's cool and all. Its just that...she's not much of a character! Not worth the tiara. Vote here :

7. I got to copy (scribble) a recipe while watching one of the shows from Asia Food Channel. I think it was Molten Cake. See, I'm not even sure of the name of the food! It's a dessert, in case you haven't picked that up yet. I'm more of a dessert and bread guy. I'm not gonna say chef or cook or baker and stuff cause I'm not any of those. I don't wanna take up such a name since I'm not equipped to be called as such. I just like putting together sweet stuff that I see on recipe books and TV shows like this. Food knowledge is not something I have as of the moment, but is something I would really love to have in the future.

8. There hasn't been a warm day for me lately. This is such an obvious sign that CHRISTMASTIME IS COMING! WOO-HOO!!!! I love Christmastime. Really love. I won't deny that part of the reason are the gifts I receive. I feel loved when I get presents (and I get new stuff hihihi). Very shallow of me yes, but the hell do you care? Just kidding! I love you guys too! During the Christmas season, everyone seems to be in a jolly mood. Everyone's happy and stuff, one way or another. People are pulled in to one unified mood, a happy and joyous mood. The festive aura can be felt and seen wherever you go. Love, in all its forms, is apparent in everyone's actions. For a few weeks, people make an effort to make their immediate space happy and beautiful. I really wish everyone can extend that kind of thinking to the whole year.

9. I haven't gotten my voter's ID, demmit! I better get one of those or I'll surely be mocked because of it. A pretty shallow and insincere reason of doing so, I know.

10. FINAL ONE! I'll look up what Carpal Tunnel is. Heard it's pretty common to people who type a lot. I think it's some kind of strain on the hands or wrist or both. There's this cramping feeling on my wrist that I can't shake away. Hope I'm just tired.

Oh well, that does it for today. Just wanna flush down some random thoughts so that I'll sleep soundly tonight. Gooooodniiiight!

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